Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is just something silly and random (but still super-cute) and I just have to share!

EcoHawk is one on my close friends who is also a mechanical engineer. Let me start by explaining the name... Smart grid technology is arguably the future of energy in the USA (already used in Canada) and perhaps the world at large. The EcoHawks are a group of ugrad and grad students at the University of Kansas who have been involved for a few years in projects concerning cleaner technologies. This year's group built a mini smart-grid and ran a popcorn machine off it. (The choice of a popcorn maker wasn't random either: they wanted to reduce waste and make the system as sustainable as possible. So popcorn means that the hungry EcoHawks are able to eat the output of their test-runs!  (Yes, this was in their report!) Cute!!!)

So EcoHawk was commissioned by his parents to install some cupboards in their house. And just look what he found: his mum's toolbox!

Isn't the little hammer just adorable?

How awesome is this? I say, why not?! If anyone else have any feminine tools and wants to share, send them along and I'll post them! Also, does anyone know where I can buy a high-quality, pretty multi-tool to fix things around the house? 

Thanks so much EcoHawk for sharing! 


said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

wow ... very cool and artistic equipment, not like the equipment in general ..

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